Renfrew-Nipissing-Pembroke Landowners Association

Defending Property Rights In Ontario
This Land is Our Land

About Us

Welcome to the Renfrew-Nipissing-Pembroke Landowners Association, county chapter of the Ontario Landowners Association.  Our County consists of seventeen townships/municipalities.  Our mission is to educate ALL property owners, including our local elected and non-elected municipal staff, as well as homeowners, farmers, small business operators … that the ownership of PRIVATE business or homes fall under the category of Private Property.  We will restore the knowledge of private property rights that appears to have been hidden from the general population for many years. We will teach what the educators are failing to teach.  Private property IS separate from Public Property (i.e. recreation parks and trails, schools, libraries, etc.); and as such, private property rights must be respected as per what is written in Law. Legislation states “consent from the property owner must be acquired before government regulation can be enforced”.  Our purpose is to restore what our forefathers had intended for private property owners ….allowing them to enjoy the use of their property without government intrusion, knowing that THEY would be the best stewards in protecting their land and their property; and, ultimately bringing prosperity to their communities for ALL to enjoy.  Please join us. We are all volunteers and need your help and support to share this information with others. With this knowledge we will become stronger together and hopefully, together, we can bring back stability and a healthy future for our children and grandchildren to carry forward.

Leadership Team

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Donna Burns


Contact: 613-432-4352



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Vice President

Contact: TBC

Email: TBC


Chapter Information

Founding Date: TBC

Location: Renfrew – Nipissing – Pembroke Region

Contact Information:

Address: TBC

Phone Number: TBC



Volunteer/Job Opportunities/Postings

  • Looking for Volunteers to hand out pamphlets 
  • Social media person needed 
  • Volunteer journalist needed
  • Treasurer needed
Homepage 1

Partnership/Collaboration Opportunities

Looking for collaborations with like-minded organizations

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You may Donate directly with Cash or Check at our location TBC


Benefits of Membership

Membership in any one of the 22 OLA Associations ensures that you have the power, the strength, the knowledge and the reputation of this powerful organization protecting your landowner rights 24/7. Take the first step in protecting your rights, become a member of the OLA in your area today

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